Weight Loss Shake Recipes To Maximize Your Weight Loss

apple cinnamon shakeWeight loss shake recipes provide an easy way to have a filling, nourishing and nutritious snack or meal replacement.

You just need some basic equipment, a few ingredients and away you go.

How do shakes help you lose weight?

Firstly, a shake can be used as a meal replacement to cut down your calorie intake for the day.

If you have a busy lifestyle and would usually grab fast food or skip meals, a healthy shake is a great alternative. We all know that skipping meals isn’t a good idea, especially if you want to lose weight, and fast food won’t help either.

The second reason to use these weight loss shake recipes is that they provide a quick, easily digested and nutritious snack that will fill you up and keep you feeling full. This is great news for anyone who has ever suffered hunger pangs while trying to lose weight.

Always use a blender to mix your shake to get the best results. If you are going to add protein powder, meal replacement or diet powders to this weight loss shake recipes, you will need accurate measuring cups and spoons.

The same applies if you are counting calories as your measurements must be accurate. Make your shake into a special occasion by serving it in a fancy glass kept for this purpose.

The order you put ingredients into the blender only matters if you are adding a powder. Read the directions to know whether it needs to be added to liquid before adding to the shake.

If you want a super-cold shake (this can often improve the flavor if using a powder) then crush ice first, before you add everything else. Crush nuts before adding other ingredients too.

These weight loss shake recipes can be adapted by interchanging fruits, liquids and additives. Be creative and come up with your own specialties.

Basically, a shake consists of a liquid, mostly skim milk; fruit – fresh, frozen or canned; and additives which may be nuts, seeds, eggs, flavoring, powders, yogurt etc.

A smoothie is really just a thicker shake, often with extra fruit. You will get a shake that contains protein, carbs, fiber, vitamins and minerals which makes it a complete meal.

All weight loss shake recipes have the same method. Add ingredients and blend till smooth; pour into your glass and enjoy! If you want to use a protein or diet powder, these can be added as desired to any recipe.

Breakfast Egg Shake

1 ½ cups skim milk

1 egg

1 serve vanilla powder or essence

½ cup blueberries

¼ cup almonds

1 teaspoon flaxsed oil


Berry Good Morning

1 ½ cups skim milk

1 cup blueberries

½ cup strawberies

¼ cup low fat berry yogurt

Vanilla essence

Nutty Banana Shake

1 ½ cups skim milk

2 bananas

½ cup almonds

¼ cup walnuts

¼ cup vanilla yogurt

Banana Choc Shake

1 ½ cups skim milk

1 banana

1 tablespoon chocolate protein powder

¼ cup walnuts

Apple Cinnamon Shake

½ cup skim milk

1 cup natural apple juice

1 cup stewed or tinned apple

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ cup almonds