You’ve Lost The Weight, Now What?

eating candyYou have lost the weight now what do you do? You feel great; everyone is telling you how great you look, how thin, how healthy.

So now is the time it may be very tempting to start indulging again in your old eating habits that got you to the place that you needed to lose weight in the first place.

Once you have lost the weight you need to lose it is more important than ever to keep up a healthy eating and physical fitness regime.

Maintain the lifestyle and healthy eating habits that got you to your new-found weight in the first place. If you cut down on chocolate or soda then continue to watch your chocolate and soda intake.

If you cut down on breads and carbohydrates then continue to monitor your breads and carbs intake. Or maybe you lost the weight because you quit drinking alcohol therefore this isn’t the time to go out and throw a few back because you met your goal!

The biggest reason for a relapse after a successful weight gain is because we fall back into our old habits. Don’t let all your hard work to go waste.