Too Much Salt In Chain Restaurant Meals

According to a new report by CASH, Consensus Action on Salt and Health, most popular chain restaurants include excessive amounts of salt in all of their main meals.

According to the organization, nearly 75% of main course meals offered by these eating establishments exceed the entire daily salt limit for healthy adults.

The organization also points out that there is no way that customers can discover exactly how much salt is in each meal.

The researchers sampled just under 100 of the most popular meals from various well-known chains and examine the salt content of each. The meals were discovered to contain 6 grams or more, that is an adult’s entire recommended salt intake for a full day.

They found that the worst offender was 8.8 g found in Old Orleans Chicken Fajitas, the second worst offender was a pizza from Pizza Express weighing in with 7.5 g of salt.

The organization also looked at side dishes and found excessive amounts of salt in many of those. And strangely, even many “sweet” desserts contain excessive amounts of salt.

CASH said that they could not believe that after five years of campaigning for a reduction in salt in restaurant food absolutely nothing has been done by high street chains to reduce the average levels.

They called for restaurants to clearly label menus to indicate how much salt and other harmful ingredients are found in each meal offered to the public.