17 Tips For Dieting

dietingIn order to have a healthy approach to weight loss you need to control your intake of calories while increasing the amount of calories you burn through exercise.

No matter what dieting plan you choose to add to your weight loss program, the tips listed below can help you to achieve healthy weight loss goals and allow you to maintain your results.

  1. First be sure to write down your dieting goal. Under this goal provide a list of reasons to start a dieting program and when you are having a hard time staying on your diet take a look at this list to remind yourself.
  2. Remember that if you have a negative attitude you will get negative results. Make sure you maintain a high self esteem that allows you to feel good about yourself. Even when people comment about your weight you know you are seeing positive results. Never succumb to the pressures of being thin and beautiful.
  3. Also keep in mind that every individual is different and therefore will have different results and progress depending on the diet they choose. Never compare your dieting progress to that of someone else. It is good to have a support group, but when you have a bad week don’t compare your week to that of someone who had a successful week.
  4. Keep some photos of yourself when you were skinny in easy view or have pictures of your family around. This will help you stay on track with your dieting programs since they will keep you motivated.
  5. Keep a food diary so you can analyze your eating habits. Be sure to have at least three balanced meals in a day and try not to binge or starve. A diary can help you to see where your bad habits are and how to get prepared for these situations in the future.
  6. If you are going to quit a previous bad habit such as smoking, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol or sex you should only do them one at a time. This way you give your body time to adjust to the change.
  7. Be sure to start your day right. When you skip a meal at the start of the day you are bound to eat some junk food during the day.
  8. In order to avoid a large meal be sure to eat before you get hungry otherwise you will force yourself to eat too much. Condition your body to expect food at a specific time by eating meals at the same time.
  9. Don’t start eating until you are seated at the table. Avoid picking at food in the kitchen before it gets on your plate. If you find yourself always picking at food while cooking then consider chewing some gum.
  10. Keep your fluid levels high to help your body have a hydrated feeling. It is best to do this before you eat. Try to avoid carbonated drinks since these can cause digestive problems. Rather natural spring water is the best choice.
  11. When eating your food try to take the time to taste it, chew properly and set your silverware down between bites. Help your body digest the food properly by sipping water at regular intervals.
  12. Once you are done eating either put it in the garbage or in storage. Never leave food out, just because someone didn’t finish their food doesn’t mean you need to finish it.
  13. Avoid sodas and fruit juices since these contain calories in the form of simple carbohydrates. This will increase your insulin production and hunger since they are just empty calories. Instead you should consider drinking water or herbal teas.
  14. To increase your full feeling be sure to eat fiber. Fiber also has the added benefit of helping your digestive tract clean out. This natural cleansing can improve your energy and food absorption. [High Fiber Foods]
  15. Don’t eat a lot of salt. The more salt you eat the more you will want. Salt also requires your body to store more water in order to balance your fluids.
  16. Carefully read the labels on everything you buy since there are many hidden calories. The ketchup bottle is a good example.
  17. Avoid beverages that contain caffeine. These can affect your blood pressure, can make you more nervous and also cause you to eat more.