Acai Berry Is Not Diet Super Supplement As Claimed

acai berryThe Acai berry is internationally known as the fruits with the greatest antioxidant properties in existence. [Antioxidant Supplements]

It is classed as a Superfood and has received a lot of media coverage, including the Oprah Winfrey Show and CBS’s Early show.

Unfortunately many companies are now making ridiculous claims for its use in losing weight, none of which are backed up by any scientific research.

It has been revealed that most of the diet bloggers who have been detailing their massive weight loss have turned out to be fakes.

The scam was discovered because the same image was used in every blog to show a before and after scenario. What is even more shocking is that the woman pictured has been identified as a model called Julia; her original photograph was digitally enhanced for use on the blogs.

The Director of Communications for Power Supplements, Bob Peters agrees that the Acai berry is now surrounded by bogus information and he hopes the guilty companies are prosecuted and stopped from trading.

However he wants people to know the power of its potential and hopes that they can see past recent incidents.

To this end, Peters and his team have set up a consumer’s Bill of Rights, aimed at making sure that Acai supplements in its proper form are available to the public. It guarantees no auto billing, free trials or programs involving membership.

Further more there will be a full money back guarantee and access to a customer service representative. The acai purchased will be totally organic freeze dried berries.