10 Best Weight Loss Plateau Tips and Exercises

As soon as you plan for a perfect weight loss program you try to incorporate many things like joining a gym, following a weight loss diet and what not? We almost try all to reduce weight, but at some point, we reach a stage where it is hard to lose weight and this stage is called a plateau. At this stage, we generally give up.

10 Best Weight Loss Plateau Tips and Exercises

Here are few tips for people who have reached this position.

  1. Keep changing the routine
    If you want to fix something you need to break it. If you continue doing the same thing then it is done. Your initial aim should be little things. Because once you reach the plateau, it indicates that you need to change the routine and then you can look for a change.
  2. Check the Calorie Count
    Watch your calorie intake daily, track what all you are eating and calculate the entire calories at the end of the day. There are many apps which can easily calculate your daily food intake.
  3. Increase Muscle Mass
    If you have more muscle than you can burn more calories, metabolism is also related to this. People who want to lose weight always stick to cardio, but along with cardio, you can also start doing some weight training exercise to build your muscles. Muscle also presses the fat this could be also the best way to reduce excess fat.
  4. Boost NEAT
    NEAT is nothing but sitting less and moving more. Any type of activity like cleaning, walking is healthy and simple activities which are very easy to do in our daily life. At least you can burn few additional calories by doing such activities.
  5. Change Your Workouts
    As you get used to an exercise plan it becomes easier and less of a challenge so it is important to keep changing the structure of your workout and adapt both the frequency and intensity of your sessions too.
  6. Go to bed early
    There is a hormone called as cortisol, which can elevate the fat. By sleeping you can reduce this hormone production. Along with this sleep, you will increase your appetite. Many studies have proven that people who are sleeping less than 8 hours have a higher.
  1. Be flexible with your macros
    Track all the macronutrients which you consume daily like carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Having a protein rich diet can help you to lose more weight, because of thermic effect, to digest protein, the body needs more energy and it also fills the stomach which gives the feeling of fullness. 
  1. Fat Burner Supplement
    You can always go for a supplement, you can add a fat burner supplement. Many fat burner supplements have few ingredients which can boost your metabolism, increases the feeling of fullness. 
  1. Hydrate
    Keep yourself hydrated to lose weight, increase metabolism. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in the diet, all fruits are vegetables have a good amount of water content, fewer calories and more vitamins and minerals.
  2. Reduce Stress
    Reduce stress by following few exercises like walking, meditation, yoga and other things instead of watching TV and playing games on mobile, etc.