Lose Weight Quickly With Grapefruit Diet

Grapefruit diet is becoming one of the most popular ways to lose weight.

People are choosing this diet plan because it gives fast results and requires minimal effort on the part of the dieter. Aside from the fact that it can help you shed pounds, it also has an impact on your overall health and wellness.

What is the grapefruit diet?

The grapefruit diet is also known as the Hollywood diet. In 2004, the grapefruit diet has undergone scrutiny. Based on the research, there is a powerful link between taking in grapefruit before meals and weight loss.

This diet is very simple as it only incorporates grapefruit as part of your meals which are proven to contain enzymes that actually help you in burning unwanted fats.

It is no surprise then that many people are using grapefruit diet to achieve their goals to lose weight and look more attractive than ever. It is very popular among teens too.

How it works?

The grapefruit diet is easy to follow. All you need is to take in half of grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice before each meal. There are many positive attributes of grapefruit.

The fruits are low in calories and sodium. It is also known to lower cholesterol level and helps to avoid diabetes. Your goal is to have a balanced diet that consists of essential nutrients that can help achieve a healthy body.

Take note that eating excess amount of grapefruit may lead to diarrhea so be sure to avoid overeating. Grapefruit can also minimize insulin level which is important in both sugar and fat metabolism process. It can also block fatty acids from building up.

When you are under the grapefruit diet, you are advised to drink eight glasses of water a day and avoid caffeine completely. Coffee can defeat the whole procedure because of the elements that it contains.

You should also avoid drinking other caffeinated drinks or sodas. The grapefruit can boost the fat burning process through its antioxidants that help speed up metabolism.

Moreover, your diet should consist of meat and salads along with a glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice. The best part of the diet is that there are no limits to the amount of salads that you should eat so it wouldn’t leave you hungry.

The grapefruit diet should be done 12 days with 2 days interval before you can resume again. Of course, just like other diet, it is best if you accompany it with exercise. If you follow the diet plan strictly; you are going to lose 10 pounds in two months.

Caution in using the grapefruit diet

However, there are many nutritionists that are against this fad diet. They believe that fruit-based diets are not considered to be healthy since you will be missing out on other nutrients such as those found in meat and vegetables.

This diet is not recommended for those who are allergic to grapefruit. Always seek the advice of your doctor before using this diet.